34 Weeks Pregnant… What is it really like?

Hey guys welcome to this new weekly series I will be completing for the rest of my pregnancy. (6 weeks to go!)
If you want to know the totally raw truth on how I feel, what symptoms are round, how big baby is and what prep for birth that has been done that week then you are in the right place!
Pregnancy is a journey and I am super keen to have a record of the last 6 weeks (if she stays in that long).
My hospital bag is well and truly ready now for when bubs decides its time to come. Having a list made it so much easier when I was packing!
34 weeks pregnant… wow I honestly can’t even believe we are here. I remember how slow things went when we first found out and now it is going so quickly.
So every week for the next 6 weeks I will post this update on a Thursday!
This should help mummas who are reaching the end of their pregnancy feel more ready and or help mums who are at the same stage as me!
34 Weeks Pregnant Bumpdate:
34 Week Bump Picture:

The bump this week has really started to grow! Baby is measuring completely normal and I have really been feeling the addition of extra weight this week!

I now have stretchmarks on my left hip only! This must be because I favor my right leg due to pain reasons! The right hip is completely clear.
This week has been crazy for seeing baby move! Her kicks are actually almost painful now when she does her ‘boxing’ moves.
I can also, almost always… tell exactly where she is! A lot of the time she is head down with her back to the left side and her feet on the right!
It is super cool watching her stick her little feet out!
Movement at night is definitely keeping me awake! No complaints though she is active and healthy.
Nausea unfortunately this week I have no been super nauseous for the last 4-5 days! It is nothing like the first trimester nausea, but enough to make me feel icky.
Hot flushes have been accompanying the nausea but thankfully it only seems to happen after eating.
In the evenings my ankles and legs are a little swollen but not badly! Putting my feet up more does help this!
I am a little more fussy towards food again but I still can’t complain at least I have an appetite!
Oh and probably last but not least I have to pee ALL. THE. TIME. Ain’t no advice for this one!
Sleeping is tricky some nights to but I am in love with my body pillow to help make sleeping easier!
Being able to lie almost on my tummy stops me rolling on to my back and supports and hip and back pain I am having.
I have a more detailed post on the body pillow so check it out if your struggling with back and hip pain!
34 Weeks Baby’s Size
This week (going off my glow nurture app) baby is growing quickly!
The app recons I have about 44 days of pregnancy to go… exciting.
Baby is 46.2cm long! That is longer than your 30cm ruler…
She is weighing at around 2.4 kg or 5 pound 2oz!
She is currently the size of a… small spaghetti squash?
I have never heard of one of these but here’s a supposed photo…

This weeks prep:
I have started a new routine! I am aiming to do yoga 4x weekly from now on to help when it comes time for her arrival.
I have also been working through antenatal classes with my fiancé each night in preparation for our new journey in parenthood.
We are actually taking the Hatched antenatal classes which is an online class that allows you to move at your own pace!
I also have been doing more research into the use of the Shakti mat as pain relief during labour!
34 Weeks Pregnant Emotions:
Emotions wise I am definitely noticing I am more teary than usual which is mildly annoying but I am trying to be understanding of it!
Overall I am not feeling too emotional though it is just easier for me to get very upset than it would be normally!
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